King Cargo serves cargo logistics for both individuals and business entities. Our professional service guarantees high quality and affordably prices by validating and monitoring shipments through out its services' procedured cycles. King Cargo company is the perfect choice when you need a reliable, tenured, and trusted services as your personal and enterprise freight solutions.

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Air cargo performs transporting packages and containers oversea, to big cities, and even rural areas.

Ocean freight forwarding with high quality and timely manner continental destinations.

Trucking transports all size cargo through out U.S. destinations.

For convenience, customers could buy neccesary items from us. Supplies provided by internal investors or 3rd party partners.



There are 26 agencies located all over the U.S to take orders on our behalf. Central hub collects and maintains all forwarding shippment information.




It's easy to order freight shipment over our counter with closed and comprehensive processing procedures.



The shipments could be sent by air, by ship, or by truck. We equiped with the best efficient vehicles to carry out all demands.



Our internal staff dedicately performs storaging, order packing, shipments, invoicing, and delivery fulfillments.
